Wednesday, December 02, 2009

BC Powder and Life Goals

Morning! I am off today & I have my 'list' ready for the day!

Well I am sure mamma has probley told you both - but let me tell you what is going on here!

Jeff went down to Gainesville last weekend to look for a house again - he had several lined up to look at - all just trashy places - not somewhere he was willing to live if he was single let alone take the kids there. So - he calls me just absolutely angry & saying WE ARE NOT MOVING HERE! I AM DONE! Well I know him & I just let him vent & listened to all the griping he did. Waited for him to get home Sat evening - drank a few beers with him - then Sunday morning I said - OK honey - I need to know what you want to do - I had let it all sink in & him calm down before I went into the conversation with him. He said I dont' want to move - if this job is that important to you we will work it out I guess but I don't want to leave this great place we have here where the kids are happy & we love it to live in some crap hole.

Girls it was like a weight off my shoulders to be honest - leaving Sam for one was killing me - but things just didn't seem like they were happening like they were suppose to & I was really sweating it! But I had given him this (he has wanted to move out of Tulsa) I couln't take it away from him. I had to let him get there if we were going to stay here. So - while I am disappointed about getting into a small town - this is all ok .... AND I think Mamma is still considering moving this way to be close to us still (fingers, toes, legs - everything crossed - would love to have her close). I told Sam about it - & I was hoping for a big scream happy happy happy - but I forget that she is way mature for her age - Mom what about Bailey & insurance - what about this or that - then she asked me about Grandma - I told her Mamma was still thinking about moving here - then she got excited -

So I went to work Sunday & told my boss here - he said no worries - you know you have a place here - I hated to lose you but wouldn't hold you back. He said he would go to bat for me being a salary manager here with the insurance & other perks. So Monday I talked with the big guy - he said hey Vanessa look you are in a great place - if you want to stay here no worries - if you change your mind in 6 months you can go - you have a job at either place - you are sitting pretty. My manager here talked with him about getting me on salary & such & all is looking good - may be after the first of the year - but I am the only person that will be considered to put in that position - it is just justifying putting another manager on salary & benefits at this point.

So I guess all works out the way it should - I know one thing - I truly feel relief right now - like a huge weight is off my shoulders - I won't be missing out on Sam's big year & I am still going to be able to give Bailey insurance!!!! Now to think about Christmas - Oh My!!!!

Love you all – Vanessa

Oh I'm glad you are feeling at peace about everything. If things weren't working as they were supposed to then it's best that you stay where you are.

Going on vacation for a week and not worrying about work at all made me realize how little I really care about my job - but when I'm in the midst of it, I feel like I care a lot. I thought a lot about what I really want to do. I'm going to call to get internets at home today and it'll really help me jump start a lot of the stuff I want to do. Today could be a really stressful day - because someone sent out an email saying something was happening that is not happening. The only person dealing with it is me since it's for the program I work on - but I really don't care. It's a nice feeling to not get upset about something that really doesn't affect me beyond the confines of the walls work in.

I am glad the stress is gone. I actually feel a weight being lifted also. It is amazing what u say is so true Les, I thought I really cared about Mudhopper, but I have not missed one single minute of being out there. Actually I love getting money for not working, I have time to do something besides working and it has not been stressful at all. I love y girls and Hedder, thanks for the hand cream. My hands felt so much better this morning. However, my hands have been in water again all morning.

Very glad you are feeling like you are too Sister! You kind of sound at peace also! Love you all.

Vanessa- I am so glad that everything has worked out. I am glad you are at peace with your decision. That makes all the difference in the world.
Leslie, I am glad you are at the point that you are with your job. It’s always nice to reach the carefree point and not have that stress.

It’s kind of funny where we all are in our lives right now. It’s pretty different individually, yet the same in so many ways.

I spent the day at the unemployment office yesterday, doing an orientation and talking about what options I have. It seems there are some additional grants I can apply for because I am unemployed and go back to school. I also have received a call from Dell asking if I want to go back to work. That was a great job with wonderful benefits. I am considering both. I am not sure what direction I will go yet, but I will have to figure it out by the end of the week. I will let you guys know then.

You have two very good options. Dell is a great place to work, just a long drive, OKC. School is also a good thing, I know that is something you have always wanted to do. I believe in my heart that you will make the right decision. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I know all of you will be sucessful cause your all so smart!

I just took a BC powder - ew.

I have been taking them about every four hours, they will grow on you.

I don't know if they ever really grow on you....

That was rather random Sister - that is about the only thing I use - they are amazing!

They do grow on you - they are great for the night of too many drinks & the night after!
And for aches & pains!

Oh that is all I use too - but that doesn't mean I enjoy taking one while the powder is sitting on my tongue waiting for me to chug a huge glass of water.

Take it with a beer! LoL

Oh sister - that's your solution to everything!

OH Sister!!!! You are a brat!!!!

Ha - I get the last laugh... Sister is the brat!!!!!  :)

All my love,


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